Common Challenges in English Courses for International Students and How to Address Them

common challenges

Studying abroad has become the norm for people who want to succeed. If you wish to get a world-class education or make new friends, studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and opportunity. It is no surprise that approximately 440,129 international students on student visas are currently in Australia in 2022.

While the activity appears enjoyable, studying English courses for international students is not an easy transition. Because living in a country you are unfamiliar with is frightening, the question always bugs you, “Am I doing this right?” From homesickness to a language barrier, you face fears and challenges.

But all of this is normal. You are not the only one who feels both scared and excited while studying abroad; everyone does. So, to understand these bittersweet experiences, let’s learn how to overcome this.

English Courses for International Students

5 Problems with Solutions That International Students Face

There are a variety of challenges that every international student studying abroad may run into. These might take the shape of emotional, academic, and social difficulties. But it doesn’t matter if it’s easy or difficult; you can still overcome obstacles. Here are some examples of them:

Even though you may have spent years studying English, hearing the locals when you travel to an English-speaking nation may seem overwhelming and unfamiliar. When you arrive, you will notice that locals speak and use English twice as much faster and more fluently as you do at home. And occasionally, all you feel like is an outsider.

So, what should you do?

Talk. Conversation with a native speaker is the best cure for a language barrier. You can have a casual conversation with this person, who could be a classmate or your neighbour, and observe how quickly they can speak and utilise English.

In addition, you might confirm with them regarding the appropriate word to use in a sentence or how to pronounce it correctly. It would be best if you don’t let anxiety or worry keep you from succeeding in your English courses for international students.

Unfamiliar language, food, and culture – all speak about culture shock. Your fear of the unknown is heightened in a foreign environment. You feel out of control of the situation when you observe lifestyle behaviours somewhat different from what you are used to.

So, what should you do?

Accept your feelings, but don’t allow them to keep you from enjoying your visit. Simply put, be who you are. You can speak to the locals and enquire about their culture. Eventually, you will find like-minded folks to help you adjust while casually conversing with them.

When you study abroad, one of the obstacles to learning English courses for international students is your expenses. If you are a scholar, you are tuition-free. But what about not? Then, in addition to your tuition, you must also budget for necessities like food, accommodation, transportation, and other unforeseen costs.

So, what should you do?

Before your flight, you must master the ways of budgeting. Remember that every country has various currencies and goods prices, so focus your study on that country. In other words, if you plan to study in Australia, “Australia” should be one of your keywords.

Given the strange circumstances, you begin to yearn for the familiarity of your hometown. You miss everyone more than you can possibly fathom, from your friends to the structures. Who wouldn’t, too? Driving hundreds of miles away from home makes you feel homesick.

So, what should you do?

Utilise technology. You may virtually converse with your loved ones through online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Additionally, try to make your experience useful and never isolate yourself. Every “what if” is purely hypothetical at this point; after you get used to it, you’ll undoubtedly have a great life overseas.

Your former teacher may have taught you differently from your new professor, especially if they are of different racial or ethnic backgrounds. Without a strong foundation, you start to notice your poor grades.

So, what should you do?

Don’t stress yourself. You can practice how your teacher explains the material by attending your classes daily. You can also ask your professor or your other students for assistance.

And never forget to take notes when unsure about the discussed subject. After that, you can research and learn more about the notes you’ve taken.

Be Inspired to Study English with City Language Center!

Australia’s City Language Center is a distinguished and distinctive English school. We offer English courses to international students, ensuring that they will both learn and feel at home throughout their time with us.

So, if you want to know more about our school, you are always welcome to visit our website. You can also call us on +61 3 8639 0189.